World of Wanderlust ft. Brooke Saward

Ray-Ban Flash Sunglasses

Creator of travel and lifestyle blog World of Wanderlust, Brooke Saward is one of VisionDirect’s newest influencers. If you follow her travels on Instagram or Snapchat then you probably know that Brooke is a big fan of Ray-Ban sunnies and we have been happy to feed her fashion addiction.

Ray-Ban Flash sunglasses

Brooke is originally from Tasmania and began blogging in 2012 as a way to record her experiences travelling abroad. WOW has since exploded in popularity and now her website has 5 million unique visitors per year which makes World of Wanderlust one of the most popular blogs in the world.

Her Insta-following is active, dedicated and growing ever larger at 400k+. There you can find a colourful gallery from her destinations all over the world. Imagine the Maldives, Tanzania, UAE, Malaysia, Netherlands, Japan and everywhere in between – Brooke has been there and done that.  Oh and she posts pics of really cute food which is a plus.

Living life out of a suitcase isn’t always easy but the way she flies through the skies, it looks like a breeze.

World of Wanderlust Vision Direct

World of Wanderlust Community

With her talented photography skills, knack for finding the coolest destinations around the world, amazing outfits (which she somehow carries around in her suitcase), helpful travel guides and inspirational posts, it’s no wonder so many young people resonate with her. She was a dreamer who wanted to travel and change the world and she made it happen. Now she encourages people from all walks of life to face their fears and to pursue their dreams, because hey, she did it and look what happened to her.

Ray-Ban Flash Lenses

We are happy to announce that we plan to continue our relationship with Brooke and the WOW team throughout 2016. Be on the look-out for her ski-slope style when she heads to the Swiss Alps in April!

If you want to follow Brooke’s adventures head on over to her website World of Wanderlust. Follow her Instagram for beautiful daily photos and check out her Snap story for inside peaks on her adventures!

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