Milan Fashion Week 2015


Milan Fashion Week is well under way and the city is buzzing with the sights and sounds of all things fashion. Never one to miss out on a trip to Milan, SmartBuyGlasses was front and centre for the start of the prestigious week, and boy did we see some sights.

We started our day at the Piazza del Duomo (pretty much the epicentre of everything Milan) and walked through the city to the Genny show, the very first of the week. The only way to describe the atmosphere is MENTAL. Photographers, bloggers, random people waiting to be photographed, people hoping to be let into the show and security guards galore. As soon as anyone who looked remotely famous or stylish appeared it was like a swarm of bees as everyone clamoured to take their photo.

After the Genny’s show, we headed over to Piazza Oberdan where the Gucci show was just about to start. Now if the atmosphere at Genny’s was mental, there are no words that could accurately describe what was happening outside Gucci. Security had blocked off one of the main roads in Milan and photographers were EVERYWHERE taking photos of anyone who could pose for long enough without being moved on by the security guards. The Gucci show guests seemed to be mostly made up of fashion bloggers and a few select celebrities.’Who is that?’ seemed to be asked a lot.

Milan Fashion Week Street Style

The best part of the day was spotting the truly out-there outfits, which is surprisingly difficult when everyone is trying to stand out. I think the winner though has to be the guy rocking a viking-esque helmet with horns on. The helmet was full face and didn’t have eye holes so he needed his friends help to move him from place to place.

We’ve put together some of our favorite moments in the video below. The sunglasses that we saw were truly on point. If you want to get some super fashionable sunnies, be sure to head over to the VisionDirect website to check out our array of fabulous designer sunglasses.

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