5 things to love (like really really love) about Australia


It’s the wide brown land for me, my friends! As a wandering Brit, there’re few places that can beat Australia as far as I’m concerned. It’s warm, it’s welcoming, and there is something for everyone. From incredible food right through to stunning vistas and jewel seas; it’s a pretty great place all round.

That’s not to say, however, that it doesn’t have it’s own strange, yet loveable, quirks…

Off the top off my head I’m thinking about every Australian’s apparant disgust for any shoes not flip-flop related…


In fact, whilst we’re on the subject, their name for flip-flops is also something that’s caused a few Brit’s to take a deep breath…

And, one of them once even tried to sell New Zealand on eBay…


However, if you had to ask me my the top 5 things about Australia I’d be hard pressed to stop at only 5. Any country that creates words like ‘fair dinkum’, ‘larrikin’ and ‘swagman’ has got to be alright. On top of that it’s one of the safest countries in the world to travel and live in (if you discount their insane wildlife).

However, the 5 things that lie closest to my heart are…

1. Beaches

Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You heard me. That’s 10,000 places to relax, swim, play sports, and spend days out with the fam. Ready access to these stunning stretches of sand helps to make Australians the happy, relaxed, easy going people we know and love.

The great thing is, that even in cities where there are no natural beaches (Brisbane, I’m looking at you), they’ve got creative and made one in the city centre for their inhabitants. Beaches are not just a natural feature in Australia, they’re a state of mind.

2. BBQs

Arguably, one of the greatest things Australia has ever accomplished is the perfection of the BBQ. From the gear, to the grub, right down to the fine grilling technique, Aussie’s have made BBQs a thing of beauty.

There’s not a single house that doesn’t have one, and these delicious, meat searing machines create a great opportunity for socialising, taking it easy, and eating well. You haven’t experienced Aus until you’ve had an Australian BBQ experience.

3. Climate

Brisbane sees over 261 days of sunshine a year! Enough said.

4. Meat Pies

I know we covered food in the the BBQ section of the list… but Australian meat pies deserve a mention all of their own.

Traditionally you eat one of these bad boys when you’re at the stadium watching a game of footie. It needs to be toasty warm and slathered with ketchup.



5. Killer Sense of Style

If you want to find a way to make a go of things, Australia is the place to do it. They have an entrepreneurial spirit that says you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. With this mentality, and their great beaches and sunny weather, it’s no wonder that Aus has created some of the coolest surfing and sunglasses brands in the world.

(Like these awesome Quay Australia shades for only $82)

That’s why, this Australia Day we want to celebrate the best of everything Aussie and get involved in all the fun. We’re giving you  10% off all our top Aussie brands! This includes Ugly Fish, Quay Australia, OROTON, Le Specs, Sunday Somewhere, and Vonzipper. We want to give you the opportunity to celebrate the best of Australia with us for a whole week, and get your hands on the best of Aussie design.


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