The Ray-Ban Erika Opal Collection


Once upon a time, the Ray-Ban Wayfarer were the go to model of the brand.  Hot on their heels however is the Ray-Ban Erika Opal Collection, a new color range of the Erika model. With the ever so slightly cat-eyed frames, the model is a lot cuter and more feminine. The Opal collection in particular features stunning, two tone, pastel shaded frames and the soft keyhold bridge definitely adds an extra touch of individuality. Less harsh than the original block colors, the Opal Collection gives a much softer feel and but it’s still same ballpark in terms of style.

We’d like to share three of our fave models:

Erika Opal

Ray-Ban RX7046

Erika Opal


Ray-Ban RX7046

Ray-Ban Erika

Ray-Ban RX7046

Shop a pair for yourself here!!!

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